Hey there! I'm Jennie

Ready to start really living your best life?

Then you're in the right place. Designing a legacy worth living is both a process and a daily practice.  I coach women in all seasons of their life towards a passionate and purposeful future that they can live intentionally and experience fully.


Your Legacy Starts Here

Hey there! I'm Lindsay

Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place.

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I have so much to share with you.

My name is Jennie.  I have been exactly where you are right now.   

That's right a number of years ago, I was researching Life Coaches because I knew I was missing something, struggling, and stuck wanting more.  I felt that life wasn't meant to be so hard, surviving was no longer enough for me.  It was time to thrive.

Living life fully, to me, means that I am really present for as many moments as possible and intentionally creating moments that spark joy.  I take living my legacy very seriously.  It is all about putting more living into my every day.  Living in alignment with my values and intentions.  And enjoying the journey as much as possible along the way.

I empower my clients, just like you, to actively live their legacy, so what will yours be?

Coaching with Jennie

Clients are attracted to Jennie’s style of coaching because she constantly demonstrates integrity, flexibility consistency, commitment, and compassion.  She is firmly grounded in the concepts of change, transformation, and creation for finding flow & peace.  Clients who seek her out have the means to create their envisioned life too, but maybe missing the skills, tools, insights, elevation, or empowerment to create what it is they seek.

Message from Jennie

As your Coach, my job is to create space for you to discover new pathways that lead to powerful and lasting change. I am here to serve as your mentor, motivator, bull-shit meter, accountability partner, sounding board, inspiration, and cheerleader. I will push you to grow and change even when you feel like giving up. My job as your Coach is to listen to what you’re not saying and to ask questions that you have not been asked before. It’s in this clear, open space that you will generate your greatest insights, and from this new place of clarity, create the actions required to move you towards the goals you have set for yourself. I am not selling you a product – I am selling you a lasting experience. 

This is all about your opportunity to create your life and live it fully each day.

Designing Your Legacy Starts Here!

Education ~ Inspiration ~ Integration


The beginning of the journey toward self-discovery begins with self-study, personal practice, understanding your stories, letting go of attachments to control and expected outcomes, and learning to live and practice one day at a time.


Envision the future you are meant to live. Design your legacy worth living every day.  A journey to self-discovery and personal empowerment is enhanced with feelings of support and inspiration & connection to others, nature, and your own authentic self.


The process of becoming through choosing to live your legacy every day. We find happiness and thrive when we live each day with joy as our true and natural selves.  Through integration and living in alignment, we are able to live and experience life fully and thrive.

Life will be what you make it - one action,

one choice, and one day at a time.


Ready to get started?


Today isĀ your day! Let's do this!


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